keep it clean
Rinse your trailer thoroughly after each use. Salt water or waters high in acidity or low in alkalinity required a galvanized or aluminum trailer. A freshwater rinse of your trailer, including the brakes, will extend their service life. If you own a painted trailer, use a good car wax to help protect the finish. Your dealer should be able to provide touch-up paint for repairing minor rock damage.

Check and pack wheel bearings yearly either when prepping for a new season or when ending the old season. During this inspection, you can decide if repacking the bearings and/or replacing them is necessary – many people repack their bearings once a year. We use over-based calcium sulfonate which is available through your parts-selling Genesis Trailers dealer. Watch this how to video on replacing boat trailer bearings. If you are not comfortable checking or repacking your bearings, seek a qualified Genesis Trailers dealer for this important service.

check your
Check the coupler for any unusual wear or damage. It is also important to keep the coupler clean and lubricated with a light coat of grease in the ball cavity. Your Genesis Trailers dealer can help you order this important replacement part if necessary.

nut & bolts
Regularly check all nuts and bolts to see that they are tight. When tightening fasteners, make sure they are snug – the point where the fastener begins to tighten down – and then give the fastener an extra ¾ turn. Never tighten a fastener to the point of creasing or collapsing the metal. See our tire torque chart for directions on safely tightening your tire’s wheels to the hub.

trailer support
Check your trailer’s support system. Our carpeted bunks are designed for maximum support of your boat; make sure the carpet is free of sand or other debris that may have been acquired at the ramp. On roller trailers, keep all rollers clean and free of debris that may have penetrated the roller’s surface.

check tirewear
Regularly check your tires for unusual wear. Side wear is the most common kind of wear and is indicative of a bent axle; tube axles can be realigned at a qualified shop – in extreme situations, the axle may need replaced. See a parts-selling dealer for purchasing information.

Off-season storage has a great impact on your trailer’s longevity.